Our Team - Dentaliving | Dentist in Clayhall Avenue, Ilford
  • Dentaliving
  • 161 Clayhall Avenue
  • Ilford
  • IG5 0NZ
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Team - Dentaliving

Dr Wasimhusein Fazel

Principal Dentist

Team - Dentaliving

Dr Abid Mitha


Team - Dentaliving

Dr Sonal Chauhan


Team - Dentaliving

Dr Shandy Vijayan


Team - Dentaliving

Dr Bhavin Bhatt

Diamond Apex Invisalign Provider

Team - Dentaliving

Dr Imran Gulamhusein

Dentist with Special Interest in Oral Surgery

Team - Dentaliving

Dr Samana Fazel


Team - Dentaliving

Wendy Baker


Team - Dentaliving

Viktorija Rautkiene

Head Nurse and Decon Lead

Team - Dentaliving

Madalina Furnica

Dental Nurse

Team - Dentaliving

Kelly Francischelli

Reception Team

Team - Dentaliving

Meghana Shroff

Business Development Manager

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Ask about Denplan

Denplan Excel accredited practice

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E-Smile Assessment

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  • Dentaliving
  • 161 Clayhall Avenue
  • Ilford
  • IG5 0NZ
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